In Loving Memory
Kalei Jasmine Holizki
January 23, 1985 – August 20, 2001
“My Sweetie Pie, today marks
another year and another new #.
2020 and 19 years since you died.
While I can no longer be mentally
defeated by your death,
my body continues to communicate grief
in the only way it knows how.
With sighs, tears and a bowed head.
While I wish it to be otherwise,
that grief language has become
as much a part of me as the
regular universe language of laughter,
joy and eyes turned heavenward.
As always, I continue
to long for the daughter and
imaginable mother, wife and friend
you would have been.
Thank-you my angel for
watching over me and
those we love.
I love you soooo very much!”
Forever, Kalei’s Mom