It has been a very long time since I felt a new heart wound. That’s not to say I have not felt new sadness. The end of my first relationship in sixteen years hurt, but I did not let it traumatize me or make me give up on life. Rather it was that breakup that taught me how to properly differentiate between unimaginable grief pain and well, imaginable regular universe pain. The first one hurts so bad you want to rip open your chest and tear your heart out. It…..
Two years ago today Kalei’s Grandma Helen died — she was 88 years old. She had a good life. She had a long life. She was fortunate to be healthy for most of those 88 years. It was only in the past couple of years that she began to struggle. She wasn’t in pain, but ever so slowly her lungs were filling up with scar tissue which, in time, made breathing more and more difficult. Her illness did not really…..
One day my friend Sandy phoned and said, “Lorene, do you think there are similarities between the La–La Land chapter in your book and Hollywood’s movie La La Land (2016 Movie)? Maybe there is a blog in that answer.” “I don’t know,” I said. “I haven’t seen the movie yet.” Meanwhile, my inside voice said, Dangit, now that the question has been asked I won’t be able to rest until I know if there is any synchronicity between the two. Arrrgh!…..